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Final Sınavı - Hıstory Of Internatıonal Relatıons

Soru 1:

Which one of the following was not a main point discussed at the Yalta Conference?

Soru 2:

I.Russia II.Poland III.Japan IV.Denmark Which of the countries given above are among the ones involved in the Thirty Years' War?

Soru 3:

Francis Fukuyama, in his famous article "The End of History" argued that which of the following won a victory with the end of the Cold War era?

Soru 4:

"The ______________ in 1776 was merely assumed as a crack in the politics of the British Empire, not a social upheaval of subjects against their kings; the role of the American bourgeoisie was neglected." Which of the following should be filled in the blank in this sentence?

Soru 5:

What does 'irredentism' refer to?

Soru 6:

When was Brezhnev Doctrine expounded by Leonid Brezhnev?

Soru 7:

Which of the following refers to the event in English history that involved the overthrown of King James II and replacement of him with his protestant daughter Mary II and her husband, William III, prince of Orange and stadtholder of the Netherlands?

Soru 8:

Which of the following is the definition of "the idea that a country can determine its own destiny and has the right to establish its own sovereign government?

Soru 9:

Which one of these is not a point that was discussed in Yalta Conference?

Soru 10:

When did BRICS emerge informally?

Soru 11:

I. Japan, Germany, and Italy signed the Tripartite Pact in September 1940 to support one another in any war with another power. II.  In March 1941, the US Congress passed the ingenious Lend-Lease Act, which authorized the president to put American resources at the disposal of any state whose defense he regarded as necessary for American security. III. The attack on Pearl Harbor showed the intended effect causing the US to sue for peace. IV. At the Battle of El Alamein in October 1942, the Germans drove the British from Egypt, and controlled the Suez Canal. V. In June 1944, what is now known as D-Day, the Allied forces were unsuccessful as the German had air and naval superiority. Which of these sentences about World War 2 are true?

Soru 12:

Which of the following did not show that First Gulf War was important?

Soru 13:

On what basis did the Bush doctrine justify the invasion of Iraq in 2003?

Soru 14:

Which of the following happened in 1914?

Soru 15:

Which of the following country refused to bend the knee and fought both Napoleon’s political ventures and economic model?

Soru 16:

The former, the Australian-New Zealand- United States Pact (ANZUS), signed in 1951, committed Australia, New Zealand, and the United States to a nonbinding collective defense treaty in which each country considered an attack on one of them to be an attack on all.

Soru 17:

When did Yalta Conference happen?

Soru 18:

What is the main idea of establishing Allied Control Council?

Soru 19:

" It is a Cold War phenomenon used to explain the foreign policy of formerly colonized countries" Which of the following is defined above?

Soru 20:

What was the purpose of Comecon?