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Final Sınavı - Hıstory Of Internatıonal Relatıons

Soru 1:

When did the Arab Spring begin?

Soru 2:

Which country was one of the Central Powers?

Soru 3:

Which of the following is NOT a feature of Industrial Revolution?

Soru 4:

The Solidarity Movement in 1980 was for protesting the increase in gasoline prices. The authorities cracked down on the movement and jailed its leaders. The Solidarity Movement was legalized n 1980. Which of the statements about the Solitary Movement is/are true?

Soru 5:

Which country below can be considered not to have been affected at all by the Great Depression?

Soru 6:

Which of the following years is also known as the year of miracles, in other words, annus mirabilis?

Soru 7:

I.Bosnia-Herzegovina II.Croatia III.Slovenia IV.Kosovo Which of the above are among the first countries that declared independence from Yugoslavia?

Soru 8:

Which country was targeted by Operation Barbarossa?

Soru 9:

Which of the following is the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures?

Soru 10:

What is the aim of London Six Power Conference?

Soru 11:

Which year is generally accepted as the year when absolutism ended?

Soru 12:

What is called the organ with administrative staff headed by a Secretary-General appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council?

Soru 13:

I. Hungary II. Britain III. Luxembourg IV. Netherlands V. Austria Which countries above were parties of the Brussels Pact?

Soru 14:

When was the Cuban Revolution?

Soru 15:

When was the Balfour Declaration?

Soru 16:

Which of the following is the policy aimed at setting adequate political safeguards for both powers to live in peace?

Soru 17:

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons for the outbreak of WWI?

Soru 18:

Which of the following can be regarded as an external pressure during the decolonization process?

Soru 19:

Which of the following is TRUE about  Japan and the Unied States during the Second World War?

Soru 20:

Brussels Pact which year was made?