Soru 1:
I. International organizations, with their own legally independent and permanent bodies and powers, differ from other international platforms, conferences and say summits. II. International organizations are distinguished from international regimes, which are in fact general mechanisms foreseen and consumed by a group of States for accomplishing various individual goals. III. International and regional organizations possess a legal personality, as well as being an autonomous political entity. IV. International and regional organizations may well act on their own behalf despite the fact that their decisions and policies are shaped thanks to the votes of the member States. V. Possessing an international legal personality, first and foremost, means having rights, powers and obligations within international legal realm. VI. International organizations are not only subject to all relevant sorts of international responsibilities, they also have the capacity and capability to create legal rules. -- Which of the above are among the characteristics of international organizations?
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E) I, II, III, IV, V and VI