Soru 9:
Which of the following are true about the Peace of Westphalia? I. It ended the 30 Years' War. II. It was signed in 1658. III. It ended the feudal system. IV. It led to the emergence of sovereign states. V. It paved the way to the establishment of international institutions.
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Doğru Cevap:
C) I, III, IV, V
Soru 12:
Which of the followings are about the assumptions of neoliberalism? 1. They claim that foreign policy is constrained by anarchy. 2. International cooperation depends on the will and power of nation states. 3. If states have mutual interests in a given issue area of international relations, international cooperation can be achieved there. 4. They emphasize the importance of relative gains (zero-sum game) in international politics. 5. They argue that international regimes, globalization, and international interdependence are important tools for managing the relations between international actors. 6. International actors have common interests so that they can cooperate in a given issue area and maximize their absolute gains
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Doğru Cevap:
E) 3, 5, 6