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Seçmeli Ara Sınav - Internatıonal Organızatıon And Global Governance

Soru 1:

Which of the following is NOT among the criticism that functionalist approach has received?

Soru 2:

The Quadruple Alliance (later Quintuple) that was extended to the peacetime and formed the great power ensemble. The periodical congress system that served as an institutional consultation mechanism among great powers to maintain the status quo. The diffusion of “promulgation of norms and rules of European public law” that gave “the institutional, territorial, and great-power arrangements in Europe a certain sense of legal-based legitimacy and authority” . Which of the given above is/are the major mechanisms of the Concert of Europe?

Soru 3:

What is the kind of an organization whose members belong to a specific geographical region?

Soru 4:

Which of the followings is not one of the Idealists , who used collective security as an alternative system to the balance of power, following World War I?

Soru 5:

Which of the following can be considered as the first global conference in the history of the international relations?

Soru 6:

I. They are collection points clearinghouses for information, II.They are centers for collective decisions on the solution of common problems, III.They are tools for the coordination of national policy and practices, IV. They are agencies for promoting uniform standards in their fields. According to Schechter, early public international unions had numerous functions. Which ones above are among these functions?

Soru 7:

Which of the following is the century when the first centralized territorial sovereign state appeared?

Soru 8:

Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) under the total control of the leading member states Semi-autonomous IGOs Autonomous IGOs Geographical Organization Universal Organization Which of the above are the categories of intergovermental organizations (IGOs) according to the typology which is based on member states’ influence in the organization?

Soru 9:

I.The Congress convened in November 1814 in Vienna. II.The decision-making process was carried out by the four major powers, namely England, Russia, Prussia, and France. III.Throughout the Congress of Vienna, these powers singlehandedly drew the new European map. IV. The fact that Napoleon came to power in France again for a short period of time hindered the functioning of the Congress. Which statement(s) about the Congress of Vienna is /are correct?

Soru 10:

The idea of a world government especially reemerged after the Second World War. In accordance with the statement above, which of the followings can be considered to be the world government in the late 20th century and on?

Soru 11:

Which type of international regime is evaluated as a different from other types of international regimes?

Soru 12:

Which of the following is about Climate Change Regime?

Soru 13:

Which of the following refers to the idea of all humankind united under one common political authority?

Soru 14:

Whcih scholar below have NOT both elaborated on the  morality and given specific cosmopolitan proposals for a more orderly world?

Soru 15:

Which of the following is true about the emergence of IOs?

Soru 16:

complex interdependence : It refers to a new structure of relations where all actors have close ties that do not allow either of them to follow individual policies in critical issue areas of international politics such as trade and economics. Who has developed this term?

Soru 17:

Which concept is described by "the anarchical international structure and self-centered actors (states), who seek after their interests in a race of survival and therefore follow power politics"?

Soru 18:

Which of the following statesman is thought to have contributed to the development of international law?

Soru 19:

Which of the following is related to the scheme "all against one"?

Soru 20:

Which of the following is true for realists and neorealists?