According to Johan Galtung , what is the biggest, the most important and the most durable threat to the survival of human being?
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When was the first international treaty on flora (plants) signed?
Other than state’s security, liberals are also concerned with the security of?
Which of the following is NOT among the main concepts that the feminists try to re-formulate according to their own arguments?
Which of the following country was not included in Stockholm Conference?
Which one below is the human-centred worldview?
Which of the following scholars approaches to critical theory as a post-Marxist theory that continues to evolve beyond the paradigm of production to a commitment to dialogic communities that are deeply sensitive about all forms of inclusion and exclusion, domestic, transnational, and international ?
Which of the following authors is among the ones that first introduced constructivism to the discipline of international relations?
What does UNCED stand for?
In which city was the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held?
According to the Aberystwyth School, which one of the following is the main subject matter of security?
Which of the following was a negative effect of the Cold War for the environmental politics?
Which one of the following argues that the state becomes stronger and more active as the individual becomes freer?
I-How security will be ensured. II- Addressing the security as a negative security situation. III- Positive security that comprises social, economic and cultural structures For Aberystwyth School, which ones of the above statements have priority?