Which of the following is the process of shifting an issue out of the realm of securitization and emergency politics back into the realm of ‘normal’ political or technical debate?
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Doğru Cevap: B) Desecuritization
During the I960s and I970s, where was the early development of the poststructuralist thought, based on tension between structuralism and phenomenology, was centred?
Doğru Cevap: A) France
On which of the followings does Morgenthau’s version of realism (classical realism) highly rely?
Doğru Cevap: D) Human nature.
"_______ means the thing that is seen to be existentially threatened and that has a legitimate claim to survival." Which of the following completes the sentence the best?
Doğru Cevap: A) Referent object
It incorporates values, norms, and other ideational factors into itself. It does not reject the canons of science, standards, and methodologies for testing hypotheses or propositions. It rejects the conventional epistemology of social science. It emphasizes the linguistic construction of subjects, resulting in ‘discursive practices’ constituting the ontological or foundational units of reality and analysis. Which are the features of postmodern constructivism?
Doğru Cevap: B) III and IV
Which of the following is not issue shared by the poststructuralist thought, the postempricism and the assumptions of Frankfurt School in critical theory?
Doğru Cevap: D) The acceptance of value-free social analysis
Richard Ashley Robert Walker Der Derrian Michael Shapiro Kenneth Waltz Which of the above scholars cannot be included to the owners of works in early 1980s effecting poststructuralism on International Relations?
Doğru Cevap: A) I-II-III-IV
Which of the following scholars first put forward the theory of securitization?
Doğru Cevap: E) Ole Waever
According to neorealism, Which of the followings is constant?
Doğru Cevap: E) Anarchy and the functional similarity of units.
Which of the followings does post-colonial theory mainly criticize?
Doğru Cevap: B) Colonial authority.
Morgenthau developed a realist theory of international politics and argued that international politics is a struggle for power. Which of the followings is the conclusion that Morgenthau reached via his theory?
Doğru Cevap: B) Anarchy.
In terms of epistemology and methodology, constructivism can be divided into ______ main categories
Doğru Cevap: A) three
"Richard Ashley’s article “Poverty of Neorealism” heavily criticizes Kenneth Waltz’s neorealism, pointing out to its emphasis on systemic anarchy which serves__________" Which of the following cannot be used to complete the sentence correctly?
Doğru Cevap: D) foreign policy
Which of the followings is among the elements in shaping political action according to constructivism?
Doğru Cevap: B) Role of identity.
I- Language II- Culture III-Grand Theories IV- Identity V- Historicity Which of the above takes an important place in poststructuralist analysis?
Doğru Cevap: A) I, II, IV, and V
Which of the following is defined as sets of units whose security processes and dynamics are so interlinked that security problems cannot reasonably be analyzed and resolved apart from one another?
Doğru Cevap: A) Regional security complex
Race is not a contingent determination that could be subsumed under the general category of class, but is a distinctive and autonomous form of social, economic and political inequality. The significance of the revolutionary act as also a psychological and intellectual transformation, which must accompany material transformation, or the socialist reorganization of production. Individual freedom is an essential component of a socialist synthesis that should guarantee democratic participation in the construction of socialism. Whose thoughts of post-colonial theory were characterized by the three aspects above?
Doğru Cevap: E) Frantz Fanon
Actors pursue particular interests and assess the utility of a possible action in terms of their preference order at a given point in time when people act according to ... Which of the following options best completes the sentence above?
Doğru Cevap: B) the logic of consequentiality
Which of the followings did orientalists aim to legitimize?
Doğru Cevap: A) Colonial aggression.
What are things that are seen to be existentially threatened and that have a legitimate claim to survival called?
Doğru Cevap: C) Referrent objects