Soru 3:
Liberal theory (idealism) was also formulated in the 16th century and forward. Classical liberalism is a political philosophy and an ideology in which primary emphasis is placed on securing the freedoms of the individual by limiting the power of the government. Classical liberalism is built on ideas that had already arisen by the end of the 18th century, such as selected concepts of E. H. Carr, Hans Morgenthau, Thomas Hobbes, and Niccolò Machiavelli. Idealism promotes toleration, reason and progress, equality before the law, and an open economy. Idealism suggests that states will search for long-term mutual gains instead of short-term individual gains—if their security and sovereignty are not significantly diminished or threatened. Idealism’s terms underlie liberal political thought. Which of the statements with regard to the liberal theory (idealism) above are correct?
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D) I, II, IV, V and VI