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Seçmeli Ara Sınav - Introduction to International Relations

Soru 1:

In which of the state systems, one or more very powerful states dominate the state system?

Soru 2:

Which country does have the highest number of troops for the “Resolute Support Mission” of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in Afghanistan?

Soru 3:

Which of the following theories does Cynthia Enloe, the writer of Bananas, Beaches, and Bases support?

Soru 4:

Which of the following is among the unanticipated consequences of terrorist attacks?

Soru 5:

which one is a hegomanic state?

Soru 6:

Which of the following is the result of Syrian anti-government protests in 2011?

Soru 7:

What is the central mechanism developed after Weasphalian system in the 17th and 18th centuries

Soru 8:

Which of the following is true about international security?

Soru 9:

Because of the September 11, 2011 attacks, Broadway lost five million dollars of income. What is Broadway?

Soru 10:

Which one emerged as a non-European great power at the beginning of the 20th century?

Soru 11:

Which of the following are the consequences of the World War I? I. economic independence of the states II. positive economic contributions to the international system III. a new ideological dimension with the foundation of SSCR.

Soru 12:

Between states Between states and non-state organizations Between actors such as multi-national corporations, religious institutions, humanitarian assistance organizations Between states and intergovernmental organizations like the European Union and the United Nations, among others. The objects of the study of International Relations have come to include which of the relation(s) of the objects between above?

Soru 13:

In which of the analysis level, the type of government plays an important role?

Soru 14:

I.All men are equal. II.They interact in anarchy. III. They are driven by competition, distrust of others (egoism), and glory. Hobbes argues that the best way to achieve peace is to construct the Leviathan, the undivided, sovereign government, through social contract. Which assumption/s above is/are Hobbes’s this conclusion based on?

Soru 15:

Which of the following are included in system-level analysis? I. The organization of the authority II. Type of the international system III. The psychology of the citizens IV. The political situation V. The governing body

Soru 16:

Which of the following is not one of the factors that altered international relations?

Soru 17:

What or who is Enola Gay?

Soru 18:

Which of the followings is an international intergovernmental organization founded immediately after World War I?

Soru 19:

What does a state need to have in order to be able to start an anticipatory self-defence action?

Soru 20:

Which one of the followings is not a Constructivist international relations theorist?