Soru 3:
Initial frameworks and analyses of International Relations such as the three levels of analysis (individual, state and the international system) remain valuable. International law is now a key element of relations between states and the overall international system. International governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations are relative newcomers to International Relations. While the League of Nations was not maintained successfully, the United Nations was founded in 1946, immediately following World War II. The European Union has grown and expanded from its founding in 1950 to encompass many international issues, with even its own currency, the euro. Which of the statements above with regard to the scope and history of International Relations are correct?
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B) I, II and III
Soru 11:
Which of the following is /are correct about treaties? I. Treaties are written agreements. II. Treaties can be bilateral. III. Treaties are never referred to by other names. IV. Treaties can be signed by a number of states. V. Treaties have the same characteristics with a Memorandum of Understanding.
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D) I, II, IV
Soru 17:
Which of the following are within the concerns of public international law? I. Resolution of international disputes between individuals II. Resolution of international disputes between companies III. Organizing relations among states IV. Resolution of claims to territory V. Arms control VI. Resolution of human rights
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