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Seçmeli Ara Sınav - Introduction to International Relations

Soru 1:

Which incident caused greater number of deaths and injuries and brought the decentralized entities into attention of those responsible for security?

Soru 2:

Which of the following is/are classical international theories? I. realism II. liberalism III. neoliberalism IV. neorealism

Soru 3:

Which of the following items is among the principles about order according to The English School? I_ National System or social order II_ World Society III_ International Society or order

Soru 4:

When the general definition of a system and the works of scholars such as K.J. Holsti are considered, which of the followings is not true related to the international system?

Soru 5:

Which of the following theories particularly focuses on women or examines gender as a specific dimension of International Relations?

Soru 6:

Strong Sovereign Sovereign States The Social Contract Politics as a Non-Zero-Sum Game A Self-Help System Which of the above were Hobbes’ important contributions to realism?

Soru 7:

It emereged as a response to the Industrial Revolution and urbanization in the 19th century in Europe and the United States It emerged as a response to dehumanizing aspects of the social order. It was a turn away from the traditional central focus of International Relations, the development of sovereign states. It focuses on how power contributes to a variety of political outcomes and to a state’s security, and by its assumptions, concludes there can be little security for any weak state (one with little power). Which of the above gives correct information about classical liberalism?

Soru 8:

Which of the following is/are correct for groupthink? I. Groupthink occurs when the best decision is made. II. Groupthink is related to a faulty decision because group pressures has a negative effect on decision-making. III. Groupthink leads to positive behaviors of the group members. IV. People from the same background tend to make the same decisions no matter how irrational they are. V. Having no connections to other groups in the society lead individuals to ignore other options and ideas.

Soru 9:

Which event can be considered as a mark of the end of the hegomonic position of Europe in World affairs?

Soru 10:

Which of the following signed the Warsaw Pact in 1955?

Soru 11:

Which of the followings became a reality with the conclusion of the Peace of Westphalia?

Soru 12:

I.These theorists deny that there is a natural reality, apart from human beings.II.Nothing, they argue, can be objectively true or false; indeed, there is no such thing as truth.III.They also place no value on scientific and technological advances for human progress.IV.Reason and logic too are merely conceptual, and are therefore valid only within the established intellectual traditions in which they are used.V.This theory does not argue against the necessity of the state in world affairs, nor does it deny anarchy. Which of the principles above belong to Critical Theory?

Soru 13:

Which of the following are postmodern international relations theories? I. Neorealism II. Neoliberalism III. Critical theory IV. Constructivism V. Feminism

Soru 14:

What are the limitations of Bismarckian system? I. the absence of war in Europe. II. Germany's unification with other monarchies to get strong. III. The system Bismarck founded was stable enough. IV. Bismarck considered each and every monarch in the alliance equally.

Soru 15:

The mission of which of the following organizations can be characterized as “one for all, all for one”?

Soru 16:

Which of the following are the characteristics of the Cold War? I. The Cold War lies between two distinct view of politics. II. It was a kind of one-man system since each bloc has a leader. III. The bloc leader defines the policies. IV. Each bloc remained equal. V. Each leader was contended within their own territory.

Soru 17:

The rise of the territorially-conceived sovereign state The beginning of the state-system in Europe The way for the development of crucial instruments such as diplomacy, international congresses, and international law The unchangeable nature of its principles, instruments, and political units Which of the above are from the Peace of Westphalia that modern international politics derived its fundamental characteristics ?

Soru 18:

Which of the following is not a concern of International Relations? I. Nuclear proliferation II. Ecological issues III. Humanitarian issues IV. Morality and Ethics V. External debt

Soru 19:

On which of the followings is the discipline of International Relations focused?

Soru 20:

Austria Britain Prussia Russia France By which of the above were final decisions made at the Congress of Vienna?