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Seçmeli Ara Sınav - Introduction to World Civilization

Soru 1:

They are found in the Babylonian Mesopotamia which date?

Soru 2:

I. Main three gods were the chief god Haldi, the sky god Teisheba, and the solar god Sivini. II.They established their castles and cities on high rocky areas and used the level grounds for agricultural purposes. III. Sarduri I established the Urartu state, making Tushpa (Van) the capital. IV. They subjugated all Western Anatolia from the seventh century on. Which of the above is/are true about the Urartian Civilization?

Soru 3:

4. Which of the following statements describe great Hitite period?     i. Treaty of kadesh was signed     ii. Kadesh was signed between Hitites Urartians     iii. They established the first centralised empire in Anatolia.    iv. They were mainly settled in eastern Anatolia.

Soru 4:

Which of the following attributes is the subject of human aspirations reflected in the Grand Law I of Civilization?

Soru 5:

Who is the book of “Global Civilization”

Soru 6:

Which one of the below centers is the oldest in Anatolia?

Soru 7:

What was the punishment for a person who was caught committing robbery according to Hammurabi’s laws?

Soru 8:

Which of the following is the first autonomous civilization?

Soru 9:

What is Utopia?

Soru 10:

Which of the following was one of the characteristics of Hittite architecture?

Soru 11:

Which of the below places is the oldest inhabited place in Anatolia?

Soru 12:

Where are the Assyrian merchant located in Anatolia?

Soru 13:

Which choice is correct about the order of the domination of Mesopotamia by different people?

Soru 14:

Under whose reign were Upper and Lower Egypt unified?

Soru 15:

Who was the youngest pharaoh of the Egyptian civilization?

Soru 16:

Which of the following is not an innovative component of the irrigation systems in Mesopotamia?

Soru 17:

In which of the following period does evidence show that village life started?

Soru 18:

Which Lydian king ordered to forge the first coins?

Soru 19:

Saqqara pyramid was built for  pharaoh _____

Soru 20:

Which scientific discipline cannot be counted in the study of human development?