Soru 12:
The human civilization, its classes and the places occupied by those civilizations on earth The rural societies and their civilizations An analysis of the idea(s) of state, dynasties, caliphate, rulership and the stages in the organization of state as well as positions in bureaucracy and their duties The elaboration of the urban societies and their civilizations –i.e. ‘khadarî ‘umrân’, as well as cities and sedentary cultures The theory of economics; and the majority of the chapter consists of the ways of making a living, in both stages of ‘umrân An analysis of the sciences, how they are acquired, and transferred to posterity through education Which of the above are among the chapters of The Muqaddimah written by Ibn Khaldûn?
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E) I, II, III, IV, V and VI
Soru 14:
Which of the following reflects William of Ockham’s view? Clergy can become involved in secular affairs when necessary. The powers of the secular ruler should be limited. The pope, as the successor of Peter, has supreme power in the Church. Sovereignty does not guarantee a better government.
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