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Seçmeli Ara Sınav - Turkish Polıtıcs

Soru 1:

I. They chose their students from successful children in villages. II. Students are educated practically and theoritically. III. These schools provided semi-religious terms. Which of the above is correct for Village Institutions?

Soru 2:

In which way did NOT Turkish conservatism criticize Kemalist modernization project?

Soru 3:

Since Plato and Aristotle, at least one definition of politics is based on the idea of ... Which of the following best completes the sentence above?

Soru 4:

The abolition of the caliphate The closure of Medressehs and lodges and zawiyas The law of unification of education Removal of Islam as the religion of the state from the constitution in 1928 Introduction of secularism into the constitution in 1937 Which of these are major developments in the secularization process?

Soru 5:

I. Islamism II. Socialism III. Liberalism Which of the above can be seen in Turkey after the Republic has been founded?

Soru 6:

I. TpCF is Turkey’s first opposition party. II. It was established under the leadership of Kazım Karabekir, Ali Fuat (Cebesoy) Pasha, Refet (Bele) Pasha, Rauf (Orbay) Bey and Adnan (Adıvar) Bey. III. It was founded on November 17, 1940. IV. The party opposed statism in the economic policies and defended the liberal economy. V. The party was soon closed because they had too few followers. Which statements are true about TPCF?

Soru 7:

Social Political Cultural Gender Which of the above express the differentations in which the subject in any given social and political process dissolves in?

Soru 8:

In terms of modernization, which of the following fields did Selim III try to focus on?

Soru 9:

The effects of thsi part continued even after it was closed by the military coup on 27 May, 1960. Its leader was Menderes. It had a base for the liberal-conservative centre-right politics which was supported by the two-thirds of Turkish population. Almost all the parties in the centre-right line have tried to show themselves as a continuation of this party. Which party in the Muti-party Period is defined above?

Soru 10:

It was Turkey’s first truly ‘catch-all’ party with a vote rate of %45.1 in 1983. Turgut Özal, who served as the minister responsible for the economy in the post-coup government was the leader of this party. It was a nationalist, conservative party in favour of free enterprise and social justice. Which party is defined above?

Soru 11:

They try to add modernity and democracy to Turkish and Islamic elements of nationalist ideology. The question of modernization, the main element in the historical context of nationalism, is also added into the goal of rescuing and keeping the state. Ziya Gökalp, Yusuf Akçura, Mümtaz Turhan and Erol Güngör are important names in this context. Which ideology is defined above?

Soru 12:

Which of the following political parties was removed from the government by the army on September 12, 1980?

Soru 13:

I. It is mediated by unnatural and historical forces, II. It is a struggle agains naturalness of anything given. III. People's choices in the political process are the direct consequences of our social existence. Which of the above is correct about politics?

Soru 14:

Which statement below is false about  legacy of Second Constitutional Era in Turkey?

Soru 15:

Liberal Republican Party was the first attempt to adopt a multi-party democracy through the foundation of another opposition party. Liberal Republican Party was founded by Fethi Bey through Atatürk's request in 1930. Liberal Republican Party was presumably aimed to eliminate dissatisfaction arousing within the country at  the time. Liberal Republican Party was closed by the regime. Liberal Republican Party grew unexpectedly and won 30 out of 502 municipalities in 1930 local elections. Which are correct about Liberal Republican Party?

Soru 16:

What is the name of the minor party that was created in 1967 by a dissident group of CHP parliamentarians led by Turhan Feyzioğlu in 1967?

Soru 17:

Which statement below is not a characteristic of Ottoman modernization?

Soru 18:

The disintegration of provincial order due to the corruption of the Sipahis The dissolutionf the timar system The development of new weapon technologies The increasing trade of the Ottoman Empire with the West because of the capitalization The financial burden caused by the long wars with Iran and Russia Which of these caused the disintegration of the classical Ottoman system?

Soru 19:

Which party would fill Democrat Party's vacancy after it was closed by the 1960 coup?

Soru 20:

Which one is about liberalism?