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Final Sınavı - Turkish Polıtıcs

Soru 1:

Capital punishment was nulled International agreements have superiority over Turkish laws State Security Courts were terminated Turkish Court of Accounts would be able to examine the military finance affairs Which constitutional amendments brought the above changes?

Soru 2:

Which political party reopened the İmam-Hatip Schools?

Soru 3:

Who is the politician that ran in the 1969 as an independent candidate, founded National Order Party only to be closed as a result of the 1971 military note?

Soru 4:

Which of the followings was abolished with the establisment of Asakar-i Mansure-i Muhammediye by Mahmut II?

Soru 5:

Abolition of the law of protection of the Turkish Lira Introduction of Capital Market Law Reopening of the Istanbul Stock Exchange Liberalization of the banking sector Which of the above were structural changes as a result of a shift to a market economy during the ANAP governments?

Soru 6:

Who was the first person to vocalize the Etatist experiment in the economy in Turkey?

Soru 7:

Which of the following alternatives is true regarding the Ottoman Bank:

Soru 8:

Which of the following political parties was closed with May 27, 1960 coup?

Soru 9:

Which of the following statements regarding the political system of the 1924 Constitution is true?

Soru 10:

It can be regarded as a hard constitutional document. In order to enact a constitutional law, a legislative proposal had to be offered by one-third of the assembly and had to be adopted by two-thirds of the majority. There were some articles of the Constitution that didn’t allow the Assembly to make changes. This constitution declared that the political regime of Turkey was a republic and any constitutional proposal to change this article was prohibited. Which constitutional development is defined above?

Soru 11:

Who was the officer in the National Unity Committee that had nationalist tendencies, was distanced from Turkey through foreign mission assignment and later founded the Nationalist Movement Party?

Soru 12:

What is the name of the establishment which was founded after September 12 coup d'état the leader of which was Kenan Evren?

Soru 13:

Which of the following was at the bottom of the craftsmen hierarchy in Ottoman society?

Soru 14:

When did Turkey start to adopt a more liberal economic and political perspective for the first time?

Soru 15:

1.Religious libert was restricted 2.A new law on freedom of press was passed 3.New factories were built 4.Foreign investment was restricted Which of the steps above were taken by Democrat Party?

Soru 16:

What is the name of the first influential opposition party which was founded in 1946 and reached the majority of the seats in 1950 elections?

Soru 17:

Which of the followings is a project that certain people in power seek to achieve, which aims at institutionalizing a number of principles including constitutionalism, moral autonomy, democracy, human rights, civil equality, industry, consumerism, freedom of the market and secularism?

Soru 18:

When did DP win the elections moving Turkey into a more liberal economic and political era?

Soru 19:

Duties and responsibilities of the Cabinet of Executive Ministers Legislative Supremacy Independence Tribunals Fundamental Rights and Liberties Which of these points were the main debates on the Second Group in the First National Assembly?

Soru 20:

When did the Second Constitutional Era last?