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Final Sınavı - Foreıgn Trade

Soru 1:

What does FPI stand for?

Soru 2:

Trade in Commodities Trade in Services Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Trade Related Dispute Settlement Trade Monitoring Which of the above are the pillars the WTO is based on?

Soru 3:

Setting multilateral trading rules Trade negotiations WTO agreements Building trade capacity Which of the above is/are the fundamentals of the WTO?

Soru 4:

What allows the import of a certain amount of a commodity duty-free or at a lower duty rate while amounts exceeding the quota are subject to a higher duty rate?

Soru 5:

The balance of payments Capital accumulations Trade regulations Economic growth Employment Which of the above are affected positively by direct investments?

Soru 6:

Which one of the following terms refers to the current exchange rate today for immediate delivery?

Soru 7:

I. Barriers to trade, II. Demand for export, III. Purchasing Power Parity, IV. Demand for import. Which of the ones listed above is among the factors affecting the long run exchange rate?

Soru 8:

I. Central Bank, II. Arbitrators, III. Speculators, IV. Traders. Which of the ones listed above is among the participants of foreign exchange market?

Soru 9:

Considering the key historical events that paved the way for the establishment of the Multilateral Trading System, which of the following is the first essential initiative to construct a system of peace that is based upon international law and organization?

Soru 10:

Suppose that the current exchange rate is $/₺  = 5.53 and you used dollar to buy a T-shirt which cost 12$. How much would it cost you in terms of Turkish lira?

Soru 11:

Which one of the following terms refers to The value of a domestic currency against foreign currencies corrected for the purchasing power?

Soru 12:

What does WTO stand for?

Soru 13:

What is a country’s advantage to other countries due to its climate, natural resources and labor ability called?

Soru 14:

"An arrangement to avoid some or all forms of competition, the parties to which are business enterprise domiciled under more than one government and trading across national frontiers" is the definition for:

Soru 15:

In order to buy a unit of currency, what is the amount that must be foregone in the other currency?

Soru 16:

Which one of the following scholars is regarded as one of the first mercantilists believing that a nation’s holdings of gold are the main measure of its wealth?

Soru 17:

Which of the followings is considered a way to determine the correct level of currencies, based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP)?

Soru 18:

When was the tariff concessions deal signed following the failure of International Trade Organization initiative?

Soru 19:

What is Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Theory is based on?

Soru 20:

Which of the following according to Linder Model is a determinant of the commodities in which the country specializes?