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Seçmeli Ara Sınav - Publıc Internatıonal Law I

Soru 1:

Which of the following cases confirms that the principle of self-determination now forms part of the customary international law?

Soru 2:

If a new peremptory norm of general international law emerges, what happens with any existing treaty which is in conflict with that norm and why?

Soru 3:

Which of the following is a situation in which modifications to a multilateral treaty are permitted?

Soru 4:

In which of the cases below did the ICJ resort to the rules and institutions that are created within municipal law.

Soru 5:

I. Under international law it refers to an unbiased third party, who suggests solution to a dispute between countries. It acts as a conciliator or a mediator rather than a decision-maker in a dispute. III. It is also not bound to apply strict rules of civil procedure and substantive law. What is the concept defined above?

Soru 6:

Which of the following is not a type of non-self-governing territories?

Soru 7:

Antiquity Certainity Continuity Consistency Uniformity Which of the above is/are necessary to treat customs as a source of law?

Soru 8:

I-Colonies II- Protectorates III-Trusteeship IV- Mandate territories Which of the above is among the types of non-self-governing territories?

Soru 9:

Where were Human Rights conceptualized for the first time?

Soru 10:

How the "de jure recognition" is declared by article 6 of the 1933 Montevideo Convention?

Soru 11:

I. Absence of elected legislature II. Absence of courts with compulsory jurisdiction III. Absence of independent dispute-settlement mechanism IV. Absence of effective sanctions Which of the above can be counted as reasons for classifying international law as weak law?

Soru 12:

The state as a person of international law should possess some qualifications. Which of the followings is NOT among these qualifications?

Soru 13:

Which of following has been codified and clarified as the law of treaties was mainly comprised of customary rules of international law?

Soru 14:

I.   Treaties II.  Judicial decisions III. Custom IV.  General principles of law Which of the above are among the main sources of international law?

Soru 15:

"In the case of the law-creating process, the emphasis lies on the forms by which any particular rule of international law is created. This is being done through the law-determining agencies." Which of the following terms refer to these agencies?

Soru 16:

The most important characteristic of the international personality of an entity is its .... Which of the following options correctly completes the sentence above?

Soru 17:

In term of the process of altering the provisions of treaties, which of the following is related to the individual provisions of a treaty?

Soru 18:

I- Antiquity, II- Certainty, III- Continuity, IV- Consistency, V- Uniformity. Which of the above are the attributes of international custom?

Soru 19:

Who coined the term of instant customary international law?

Soru 20:

Which of the followings is a must in order to establish acquiescence?