Soru 3:
Aşağıdaki metni okuyunuz ve soruyu cevaplayınız. How many hours do you spend in bed? Six or seven hours a night maybe? And how many hours do you spend in front of the TV every week? Nine or ten? That ’s not a lot, is it ? Well, think again. Add together all the hours you spend on these activities in a lifetime, and the total numbers are surprising. In an average lifetime, an American works over 90,000 hours, walks an amazing 22,000 kilometers (14,000 miles), and spends three and a half years eating. Do you call your friends a lot? An average American talks on the telephone for two and a half years. On average, Americans sleep for 24 years and watch TV for 12 years. That’s 36 years – about half a lifetime – in bed or on the couch! How long does an average American watch TV in a lifetime?
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Doğru Cevap:
E) 12 years.