Soru 4:
The function of religion can be understood to reduce uncertainty and complexity, to determine which seems to be indeterminate, and to make accessible what seems to be inaccessible. Religion is probably the most effective mechanism for the legitimation of universes of meaning. Religion is produced by members of society subjectively interpreting and giving meaning to the world around them. An important function of religion is that it helps us acquire a sense of “self”, knowing who we are, and where we fit in, a world view that endows everyday life with ultimate significance. Religion is not necessarily a conservative force; on the contrary, religiously inspired movements have often produced dramatic social transformations. Which of the above are the arguments of phenomenological understanding of religion associated with the work of Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann?
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D) I, II, III and IV
Soru 16:
I- He adopted conflict theory on religion. II- He considered religion separable from the economy and the worker. III- For him, religion is a popular reaction to oppression. IV- He famously argued that religion “is the opium of people” V- He believed religion reflects the social stratification of society. Which ones of the above are right about Karl Marx’s views on religion?
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B) I, III, IV and V