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Seçmeli Ara Sınav - Introduction to Sociology

Soru 1:

What is the name given to the common beliefs and feelings of the members of a society by Durkheim?

Soru 2:

Which of the following can be defined as a hybrid political tradition that is inspired by socialist ideals and an existing political atmosphere and determined by liberal values?

Soru 3:

Which of the following cannot be considered among the 4 main approaches in sociology covering politics?

Soru 4:

I.  The base consists of economic structure (means of production and relations of production). II. The superstructure consists of law, politics, religion, family and ideologies. III. The superstructure determines the base. Acording to Marx's distinction between the base and the superstructure, which of the above is/are true?

Soru 5:

Which one of the following concepts refers to a social position that a person achieves by her/his own effort?

Soru 6:

On what does mercantilism predicate the prosperity of a nation?

Soru 7:

Which of the following is a fact that refers to normlessness or ambiguity with regards to basic values of society?

Soru 8:

Which of the following defines what sociologists call as social action?

Soru 9:

Which of the following describes the analysis unit of economy?

Soru 10:

Which one of the following sociological approach primarily emphasizes that all approaches to sociology have been developed by men and the problem of women and gender has been largely neglected in these approaches?

Soru 11:

While ….. ….. is concerned with how public administration and administrative organizations will work efficiently, ….. …… is concerned with oppression and constraining elements of bureaucracy. Which of the followings are the right terms to fill the blank?

Soru 12:

Which one is true about Comte’s hierarchy of sciences?

Soru 13:

In terms of chronology, which of the followings types of society is considered to be the earliest?

Soru 14:

Which is true for fundamental concepts of poverty?                                      I. Relative poverty is an individual’s or a family’s lack of income and consumption by failing to meet the basic biological needs like food, shelter and clothing.                                                                           II.Absolute poverty is also expressed as livelihood poverty.                III.Social exclusion is defined as people’s exclusion from economical, social,political, and cultural segments of the societies they live in.

Soru 15:

Which of the following is not an example of ascribed status?

Soru 16:

Which one of the followings about the political sociology is a true statement?

Soru 17:

"Economic sociology analyses attitude and behaviours, economic structure and relations that are the subjects of the economy." Which of the followings is among the elements that economic sociology takes into account, but economics does not?

Soru 18:

What is absolute poverty?

Soru 19:

Critical theorists have argued that the problem of modernity is not just the injustices and inequalities of the capitalist system, but that all modern societies are organized by ............. . Which of the following completes the above sentence correctly?

Soru 20:

Which of the following can be defined as “study of power and the intersection of society and politics"?