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Seçmeli Ara Sınav - Introduction to Sociology

Soru 1:

What is "surplus value"?

Soru 2:

There are important economic inequalities among people. They often hunt animals and gather edible plants besides agriculture. They emerged as people cultivated small gardens with simple tools. Which society type are the features above describing?

Soru 3:

Which one of the following refers to arrangements involving large numbers of people whose behaviours are guided by norms and roles?

Soru 4:

Which one is not one of the personal reasons of poverty?

Soru 5:

…………… is based on the devotion of followers or subordinates to what they define as the exceptional characteristics of a leader. Which of the following would best fill the blank space?

Soru 6:

Which of the following sociologists argues that societies evolve from feudal and military societies to industrial societies?

Soru 7:

Political science is defined as an academic discipline which examines power and distribution of ………………. in various types of political systems. Which of the following would best fill the blank space?

Soru 8:

Which information is not true for Auguste Comte?

Soru 9:

Which approach deals with everyday life-world?

Soru 10:

Which of the following statement is true about positivist approach?

Soru 11:

When did the post-industrial societies emerged?

Soru 12:

Which of the following can be an example for microsociology?

Soru 13:

Which of the following refers to the examination of a social fact in its own social context, through a variety of data gathering techniques?

Soru 14:

"Sociology is  related to......" Which of the following CANNOT be used to complete the sentence best?

Soru 15:

Which of the following is false ?

Soru 16:

Sources are limited. Human needs are infinite. Irrationality is the motive behind human behaviour. Which of the above hypotheses belong to the study field of economics?

Soru 17:

Which of the following topics is in the domain of a meso level sociological inquiry?

Soru 18:

The name Hermeneutic is derived from Hermes in the Greek mythology. The assignment of Hermes is to transmit God’s wills to mortal people, translate God’s words to a simpler form which mortal people can understand, thus provide an environment for them to communicate. Which approach is appropriate to the above description?

Soru 19:

"Positivism should become a religion" is the view of .....

Soru 20:

"After observing the results of a particular group, a new group is selected in order to make a comparison." Which data gathering technique used in quantitative research design is described above?