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Final Sınavı - Introduction to Sociology

Soru 1:

According to Emile Durkheim, the ……..… is concerned with the ordinary aspects of everyday life; it has nothing to do with religious beliefs. The ….……. refers to all objects and aspects of life set apart from the ordinary, regarded as holy and related to the supernatural. Which ones of the followings do fill the blank at best?

Soru 2:

Which of the following author has argued that the women are more criminal and have more criminal tendencies than men, but they are further capable of hiding their crimes?

Soru 3:

In which county the cultural studies tradition started first?

Soru 4:

Which of the following can be defined as “a science that explains the social principles of social life”?

Soru 5:

The term culture had a meaning mostly related to agriculture for a long time. When did this start to change?

Soru 6:

Which theoretician below has introduced the concept of cultural reproduction and habitus?

Soru 7:

Which of the following statement is true about crime and deviance according to Durkheim?

Soru 8:

Which of the concepts is refer to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that the society considers appropriate for men and women?

Soru 9:

Economics Race Gender Politics Religion Which ones of the above are included in the topics of sociology of law?

Soru 10:

Who used the term “Sociology of Law” first?

Soru 11:

In the economy, which of the following is the objective provision that provides the balance in the market?

Soru 12:

Who was the sociologist approached the religion as a meaning system to be a fundamental component of culture as well as society?

Soru 13:

By whom was the term Cultural Lag invented?

Soru 14:

According to Durkheim, which of the following consists of empirically observable things and is concerned with everyday life?

Soru 15:

Which of the cultural concepts expresses the process of transferring the culture of the dominant class from generation to generation through the education system?

Soru 16:

Who is the leading figure sociology that heavily draw upon the concept of anomie in his analysis?

Soru 17:

In a globalizing world, which demands rational reasons, …. insists on faith-based answers and references to ritual truth. Which of the following terms is right to fill the blank?

Soru 18:

Which of the following sociological theories regarding deviance supports the idea that individuals are actively involved in deviant behaviors as a reaction to the inequalities of capitalist order?

Soru 19:

Who argued that the family served the interest of capitalism through the unpaid (domestic) work of women, by the reproduction of the labor force, and by being an important unit of consumption?

Soru 20:

the truth or falsity of any given religion the effect of religious beliefs and practices on the social and cultural systems, socialization process, and personality development the myriad ways in which society and religion interact, and with profound consequences for the individual how religions shape society and conversely how the historical and contemporary social conditions shape religions When dealing with religion, the sociologist is concerned with which of the above?