Which information is true for mechanic solidarity and organic solidarity depending on social division of labour? I. Mechanical solidarity is observed in modern societies. II. In mechanical solidarity, collective consciousness and collective identity are more powerful and dominant than individual consciousness and identities. III. In organic solidarity, there is a complex division of labour based on social differentiation.
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Doğru Cevap: E) II and III
Which of the following is unlikely to be considered as a reason for the upward mobility?
Doğru Cevap: D) political instabilities and wars
Which of the following is the most significant contribution of Saint-Simon to the development of sociology?
Doğru Cevap: A) The term industrial society
Which of the following concept defines a relatively stable set of perceptions and thoughts related to people’s identity and qualifications?
Doğru Cevap: C) Self
Which of the following refers to Marx's theory that emphasizes the importance of economic factors rather than thoughts and values in social transformation?
Doğru Cevap: A) historical materialism
When Durkheim’s seminal study (1897) explaining the act of suicide as a sociological phenomenon is taken into account, which of the following is correct?
Doğru Cevap: C) The suicide rates are higher for singles than people in a relationship.
Who is the thinker that coined the term "industrial society", which reflected both socialist and conservative point of views?
Doğru Cevap: A) Saint-Simon
“Nobles had the power of using and ruling the lands and they were also the practitioners of the law. Public stratum that is created by serfs, free peasants, merchants and artisans as the commons class, which is the lowest layer. “ What system is described above?
Doğru Cevap: A) Feudal system
Which of the following is true about society?
Doğru Cevap: E) Society consists of the interactions among people who share a culture or a numberof social institutions.
......... is the separation of religious and state affairs and involves freedom of thought and faith. What is defined above?
Doğru Cevap: E) laicism
Which of the following statement is true about social sciences?
Doğru Cevap: C) In social sciences, scientists can influence the reaction of the subjects they investigate.
Which of the following sociologists developed the approach that is also called “Social Darwinism”?
Doğru Cevap: D) Herbert Spencer
As Weber based ideal type analysis, rational-legal authority is likely to be seen in which of the countries?
Doğru Cevap: A) Democratic nation-states
According to Marx, which of the followings is capitalist society built on?
Doğru Cevap: C) Economical inequalities.
Which of the following can be defined as a hybrid political tradition that is inspired by socialist ideals and an existing political atmosphere and determined by liberal values?
Doğru Cevap: B) Social democracy
Which term refers to a property, which can be translated to a form of money in the consequence of sales and provides profit and utility to its owner?
Doğru Cevap: D) Asset
Who developed positivism based on Darwin's "natural selection" principle, what is also known as "Social Darwinism"?
Doğru Cevap: B) Herbert Spencer
Which of the following refers to the difference between the value produced by workers and the payment they are given?
Doğru Cevap: A) Surplus value
"This type of society is based on cooperation, there is no competition among people. They are generally participatory societies and all male members gather together when important decisions are taken."Which of the following is the society type that the features above describe?
Doğru Cevap: D) Hunting and Gathering Societies
Which of the following defines what we call as social groups in the discipline of sociology?
Doğru Cevap: C) Social groups are the main blocks of the society.