What kind of a game is Poker?
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Doğru Cevap: A) A constant-sum game
Max Z = 16 x 1 + 4 x 2 is the objective function of the linear program, which has only one constraint other than the non-negativity constraints. Which of the constraints below ensures that the program has an optimal solution ?
Doğru Cevap: E) 8 x1+ 2 x2≤ 128
Who developed the game theory extensively in the 1950s?
Doğru Cevap: D) John Nash
Least-cost method Northwest corner method The Modified Distribution Method The Hungarian Method Vogel’s approximation method Considering the items above, which is the correct for the lists of Initialization Methods?
Doğru Cevap: C) I, II, and V
In which game, a couple Mark and Kelly wish to go out together, but they have different preferences?
Doğru Cevap: B) Battle of the Sexes
What are the probabilities of going from one state to another are called?
Doğru Cevap: E) Transition probabilities
Which term completes the blank in the following sentence best? In ........................, events occur over time, and time can be dealt with either in discrete fashion or continuous fashion.
Doğru Cevap: C) Stochastic processes
Who first introduced concept of linear programming and its solution method “simplex”?
Doğru Cevap: E) George Dantzig
Max Z = 2 x 1 + 8 x 2 is the objective function of the linear program, which has only one constraint other than the non-negativity constraints. Which of the constraints below ensures that the program does not have an optimal solution ?
Doğru Cevap: D) -3 x1+ 4 x2≥ 64
Where is the optimum solution located in a linear programme?
Doğru Cevap: C) at one of the corners of the feasible region
Which term completes the blank in the following sentence best? If the state space S of a stochastic process is discrete, the process is called discrete-state process often referred as a ................
Doğru Cevap: D) Chain
For the given cost matrix, how much is the total transportation cost calculated by Northwest Corner Method solution? (all costs in Turkish liras)
Doğru Cevap: D) 168
Max Z = x 1 – 3 x 2 + 2 x 3 + 0 s 1 + 0 s 2 is the objective function of a linear program. The initial basic feasible solution for this program is (0, 0, 0, 5, 26). Which of the following is the 1st variable that enters to basic variables ?
Doğru Cevap: C) x3
What is the term used to describe the n×n square matrix with ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere?
Doğru Cevap: C) Identity matrix
? -3 -5 -2 4 6? |-2 3 0 1 -4| ? -1 4 -6 2 -2 ? What is the lower value of this matrix game ?
Doğru Cevap: C) -4
Which of the following explains the non-basic variables?
Doğru Cevap: E) The variables that are set to zero
Why are purchasing is not a real option for the Factory in dual problems?
Doğru Cevap: C) because the dual problems are imaginary.
Who found the simplex method?
Doğru Cevap: C) George Dantzig
Why is the random variable identified as a function?
Doğru Cevap: C) It maps the set of all possible outcomes in an experiment into the real numbers.
What is the pivot number in the tableau above?
Doğru Cevap: E) 2