Soru 16:
Identify the corners (corner point feasible solution) of the feasible region, of which one is expected to be the optimum. Use iso-profit (iso-cost) lines based on the maximum (minimum) objective function to determine the optimum corner point feasible solution. Represent the problem with a system of equations, which has m equations and n non-negative variables. Determine the basic feasible solutions of the equations, of which one is expected to be the optimum. Use the objective function to determine the optimum basic feasible solution. Considering the items above, which of the followings does include the right phases of the algebraic solution?
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E) III, IV, and V
Soru 19:
I. Check the optimality of the basic feasible solution as the simplex method does. If it is not, optimal, then move to the next step. If optimal, stop. II. Iterate to the next basic feasible solution by determining the entering and leaving variable using the rate of improvement on the objective value. III. Determine a basic feasible solution to initiate. Which of the following is the correct order of the steps of solution of a transportation model?
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Soru 20:
According to the above transition diagram, which of the following shows the communication classes of the diagram?
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D) {A, B} and {C, D, E}