Makes mergers & acquisition harder. Creates organizational inertia. Members’ organizational identification is easy. Guides organizational behavior. Creates stability throughout the organization. Which of the above are advantages of having a strong organizational culture?
Doğru Cevap!
Yanlış Cevap!
Doğru Cevap: A) III, IV and V
Which of the following is one of the disadvantages of having strong organizational culture?
Doğru Cevap: A) Creates organizational inertia.
"A manager with limited rationality uses mental methods that simplify the solution and provide shortcuts to make decisions and process information." How does this process called?
Doğru Cevap: A) Intuitive decision-making
Which of the following is an example for innovation in organization methods for external relationships?
Doğru Cevap: C) Collaboration with public organizations
Which of the following technologies serves parties by bringing them together in an exchange or other transaction?
Doğru Cevap: B) Mediating technologies
_________ is defined as a process for planning and controlling the necessary technologies to shape and realize the strategic and functional goals of the organizations.
Doğru Cevap: C) Technology management
Which of the following is TRUE about "intuitive decision-making"?
Doğru Cevap: C) It features individual experience and judgements.
Which of the following refers to the change in the patterned or regularized aspects of the relationships among participants in the organization?
Doğru Cevap: D) Structure
Which of the following is an example of corporate change attempts?
Doğru Cevap: C) Entering strategic alliances
Which of the following is NOT one of the features of nonprogrammed decisions?
Doğru Cevap: D) Predictability
Which of the following is NOT one of the important aspects of decision making process?
Doğru Cevap: E) Generating team spirit
Which of the below is not one of the ways use of technology can help and support the organizations?
Doğru Cevap: B) Organizations can collaborate with each other.
Who was interested in the efficient processing of internal systems?
Doğru Cevap: A) Henry Fayol
Selecting and recruiting ethically developed employees Setting up proactive mechanisms for preventing unethical behavior Determining moral codes Ethics training and education Which ways are some of the tactics organizations can use to reinforce ethical values and behavior?
Doğru Cevap: E) I, II, III and IV
It is made up of fundamental beliefs and assumptions. It provides shared values that make being a part of an organization meaningful. It offers members well-defined integrative patterns for expressing themselves. It is usually defined as a norm and value-based phenomenon. Which are true for organizational culture?
Which of the following is/are true about process innovation? Process innovation was the most critical one among the types of innovation in the early stages of industry development. Process innovation refers to the implementation of a new organizational method in the company context. Advances such as containerization, just-in-time production, mass customization, lean manufacturing, and Six Sigma make possible process innovations.
Doğru Cevap: C) III
Which of the questions below can be asked by a finance manager?
Doğru Cevap: D) Should we sell bonds and stocks?
Which of the following is about programmed decision-making processes?
Doğru Cevap: D) It is recurring and predictable.
“Do it before think about it.” Which decision-making process does the quotation above describe?
Doğru Cevap: A) Garbage Can Model
What are groups sharing overall cultural values of the society but diverges from these groups by holding different values brought by their lifestyles, values, and norms?
Doğru Cevap: D) Subcultures