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Seçmeli Ara Sınav - İşletmeye Giriş

Soru 1:

Which function is necessary for firms to develop new and innovative products to meet customers’ needs or to exceed their expectations?

Soru 2:

Which of the followings does not belong to the group of major stakeholders?

Soru 3:

Private enterprise under the free-market system requires the existence of four conditions. Which of the following is not one of these conditions?

Soru 4:

"Leadership style and best managerial approach change according to environmental factors." is emphasized by:

Soru 5:

Which of the following is one of the disadvantages of external recruiting sources?

Soru 6:

Which of the following groups of countries constitutes a cluster according to Ronen and Shenkar’s synthesis of country clusters?

Soru 7:

Which of the following concept / definition pair is given correctly?

Soru 8:

Which of the following employees resides at the middle management layer of the management structure?

Soru 9:

Which type of business serves the whole country?

Soru 10:

A leader does her best to ensure that the needs and desires of her employees are met. She assumes that her staff will yield maximum results as they are likely to be self-motivated when they are lead in such environment. She behaves in a way to respond to all needs of her staff. Employees are happy, and there is harmony in the group. The productivity of the group, however, can suffer from the lack of attention on task. Which of the following types of leadership styles in the managerial grid does this leader represent?

Soru 11:

Which of the following is not one of the factors affecting the best human resource management?

Soru 12:

I. Approach other cultures by changing your stereotypes and with caution. II. Find cultural informants and review practices from unfamiliar cultures. III. Learn mental maps that will increase effectiveness in different cultures. For successfully managing the impact of culture on international business, which one/s of the above should managers do?

Soru 13:

Planners project that in five years an automobile factory that currently employs 100 engineers will need to employ a total of 200 engineers. Planners simply cannot assume that they will have to hire 100 engineers, during that period, some of the firm’s present engineers are likely to be promoted, leave the firm, or move to other jobs within the firm. Therefore, planners may project the supply of engineers in five years at 83, which means that the firm will have to hire a total of 117 new engineers. Which of the following steps of human resource planning is defined above?

Soru 14:

Which of the followings is not a major function of a business?

Soru 15:

Which of the following is an indirect reward given to an employee or a group of employees as a part of organizational membership?

Soru 16:

Which of the following is not one of the ways of evaluating performance in human resources management?

Soru 17:

I. Labor II. Entrepreneurship III. Financial capital Which of the above is a factor of production?

Soru 18:

acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees attending to their labor relations health and safety fairness concerns "Human resource management (HRM) is the process of.........." which of the given phrases can fill in the blank correctly?

Soru 19:

A pizza restaurant that has a few outlets operating in South Italy constitutes an example of --------------------------------------.

Soru 20:

Which of the following is the total of all rewards provided for employees in return for work and services performed?