I. Enlivening economy II. Preserving order III. Achieving justice IV. Protecting rights Which of the aims above are among the functions of law?
Doğru Cevap!
Yanlış Cevap!
Doğru Cevap: D) II – III – IV
Which of the following one was the first constitution of the Turkish Republic ?
Doğru Cevap: C) The Constitution of 1924
Which of the following expressions in Latin means "where a text is expressed in general terms, it is forbidden to introduce restrictions"?
Doğru Cevap: B) Ubi lex non distinguit, nec nos distinguere debemus
Which of the following information about judicial syllogism is not true?
Doğru Cevap: B) Judicial syllogism is mostly applied in common law countries.
Which one is not one of early examples of human rights documents?
Doğru Cevap: E) The Code of Hammurabi
Which of the following advisory bodies of the central administration "audits on behalf of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, revenues, expenditures, and assets of the public administrations financed by central government budget and social security institutions, with taking final decisions on the accounts and acts of the responsible officials, and with exercising the functions prescribed in laws in matters of inquiry, auditing and judgment"?
Doğru Cevap: B) Court of Accounts
Which of the following types of law does not fall under the category of "public law"?
Doğru Cevap: B) Commercial law
I. Province, II. Canton, III. Council of State, IV. Council of Judges and Prosecutors. Which one(s) of the above-listed items is/are element(s) of administration?
Doğru Cevap: C) I & III.
Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights have binding force on the member states, which undertake to execute the judgments. Which of the following bodies monitors the execution of judgments by member states?
Doğru Cevap: E) Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
What does legally being "null" or "void" mean?
Doğru Cevap: B) It states to a legal act is not valid.
Which statement below about interpretation of statues is false?
Doğru Cevap: B) In France, Germany, or Turkey, there are special “Interpretation Acts” which are intended to assist the draftsmen or to guide the judge in interpretation.
In France, what is historical interpretation called?
Doğru Cevap: D) Exegetical method
"As acting under the law, the administration shall use powers conferred upon it and shall have competence to act, shall have legal reason to act, shall be hold responsible and accountable and shall be transparent." Which of the following principles refers to these characteristics of administrative law?
Doğru Cevap: E) Legality
Which of the following one is the current constitution of the State of Turkish Republic?
Doğru Cevap: E) The Constitution of 1982
Which of the following is NOT one of the Principal United Nations Human Rights Convention?
Doğru Cevap: D) Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations
Which one of the following statements is false regard to judicial review of administration?
Doğru Cevap: C) Law on the Procedure of Administrative Justice introduces "Action for Annulment" as sole remedy for disputes arising under Administrative Law.
Which one is the authorized organ of the Turkey to make statutes?
Doğru Cevap: B) The parliement
When can we date transnational NGOs back to?
Doğru Cevap: B) The nineteenth century and anti-slavery campaigners
Which of the followings is one of the methods of interpretations in Common Law?
Doğru Cevap: D) The Literal Rule.
Which article of Turkish Constitution secures the rule of law?
Doğru Cevap: B) Article 2.