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Seçmeli Ara Sınav - Introduction to Law

Soru 1:

In how many categories does law divide legal wrongs?

Soru 2:

Which of the following codes is the oldest one?

Soru 3:

Which of the following philosophers influenced the systematization of law in Germany?

Soru 4:

Which one is examined in different subbranch of law?

Soru 5:

Which of the followings is not one of the historical documents to codify laws?

Soru 6:

Which of the following aspects of human rights is underlined by the following quote? “No one can have his/her human rights taken away without any justification”

Soru 7:

I. The Constitutional Court is responsible for the judicial review of the execution. II. Judicial power is vested to independent courts according to article 9 of the Constitution. III. Judges shall give judgments according to the Constitution, laws and their personal conviction conforming with the law. IV. Any decision of executive organs is superior to judges' decisions. V. The formation, powers and duties of courts shall be regulated by law according to article 142 of the Constitution. Which of the above statements about judicial review - one of the principles of administrative law - are not true?

Soru 8:

The Turkish Constitution stipulates that "the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms may be partially or entirely suspended" under certain conditions. Which of the following is not one of these conditions?

Soru 9:

"--------------------------------------------- requirement rests on the principle that international bodies should supplement State institutions and should not get involved unless the human rights violation cannot be resolved at the national level. Thus, before submitting a complaint to an international mechanism, individuals or organizations must first attempt to settle the situation using national proceedings." Which of the following fills in the blank in the above paragraph?

Soru 10:

Which are official orders issued by a head of state, ruler, government or any other authority entitled to issue?

Soru 11:

The main objective of this body is the promotion and protection of human rights. Its roles include standard setting, monitoring and implementation. In order to protect and promote human rights, ------------------------------------ cooperates with governments, national human rights institutions, civil society, private sectors and others. Which of the following bodies is defined above?

Soru 12:

"-------------------------------- is an extension of a legal rule from one case to another due to a similarity which is regarded by the judge to be material." Which of the following terms is defined above?

Soru 13:

Which one decides on accepted requests for referrals?

Soru 14:

What day do most countries celebrate as Human Rights Day?

Soru 15:

Which of the following statements about the gaps in law is false?

Soru 16:

Which of the following is NOT among the requirements for individual petition to the Constitutional Court?

Soru 17:

Which is not mentioned as a characteristics of the Turkish Republic in 1982 Constitution?

Soru 18:

I. It is codified. II. It is largely based on precedent and case law. III. It is made by Parliament. IV. It is developed from customs and decisions made by judges. Which statements upper are true?

Soru 19:

Which of the followings cannot be considered a part of constitutional evolution in Turkish history?

Soru 20:

What are secondary sources of law?