Soru 1:
In this study, economic, social and identity-related reasons of Norway underlying her two consequent rejections against the European Union membership in 1972 and 1994 will be analyzed. In the first part, Norway-Europe relations will be examined from historical and economic viewpoints; then, the findings will be compared with the referendum campaigns handled by the Norwegian public in the mentioned years. Find the best Turkish translation of the sentence written in bold.
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Doğru Cevap:
E) Bu çalışmada, Norveç'in 1972 ve 1994 yıllarında art arda Avrupa Birliği üyeliğine karşı iki kez itirazının altında yatan ekonomik, sosyal ve kimlikle ilgili nedenleri analiz edilecektir.
Soru 19:
“Will you please tell me,” I said, in surprise, “how you knew that? I am sure that I never mentioned the fact to any one, and the wiring was a rush order not completed until this morning.” Which of the following is the correct translation of this sentence? Aşağıdakilerden hangisi bu cümlenin doğru çevirisidir?
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Doğru Cevap:
E) “Bana söyler misin,” dedim, şaşırarak, “bunu nasıl biliyordun? Hiç kimseye durumdan asla bahsetmediğime eminim ve kablolama bu sabaha kadar tamamlanmayan acele bir sipariş oldu.